how to change the oil on a motorcycle. It is a basic and simple operation that can save you money if you do it yourself, not a lot of money either because the workshops do not charge too much for something as basic as changing the oil in a motorcycle, but before doing so you have to take into account some things that never you should do. It is not just about emptying the old oil and filling it with new oil, it is something a bit more complicated and not doing it correctly can cause a major breakdown in your motorcycle and instead of saving some money you will end up paying much more than what It would have been difficult for you to change the oil on the motorcycle in the workshop.

How often you have to change the motorcycle oil

Motorcycle oil is probably one of the most important elements, not only in motorcycles but in any type of mechanical machine because it is what allows the parts that make up the engines not to have excessive friction, overheating and helps to maintain the engine against corrosion. That is why it is very important to take into account what state the oil in your motorcycle is in and how and how often you should change it.

Although in a generic way we could say that the normal thing would be to change the oil every 2,000 kilometers, the truth is that this will depend on each particular motorcycle. So our recommendation is that you always follow the guidelines set by the manufacturer in the documentation of your motorcycle.

It is important that you be attentive to these oil change periods since it is in charge of ensuring the correct operation of the transmission system, engine cooling or the clutch, among others. There are even those who consider motorcycle oil as the "blood" in people, without the oil our motorcycle simply could not work as it should, so here are some tips to keep in mind when changing the oil in your motorbike .

Make sure you are changing the correct oil

Everyone thinks that in motorcycles the oil for the gearbox and the oil for the engine lubrication are the same, this is usually the case, but not always. Some Honda CRF cross-country models have the gear oil on one side and the engine oil on the other. The old Bultaco for example, had different oils in the gearbox and clutch, also some BMW with opposite piston engines had separate engine oil, gearbox oil and cardan oil. It would not be strange if you made the wrong oil and could damage one part due to lack of lubrication and another due to excess pressure, so make sure you are changing the correct oil.

Not just any oil will work for the motorcycle. Not even a motorcycle oil for the scooter or vice versa. Each oil is formulated for a very specific use by adding additives for very specific functions such as gear change gears, or diesel vehicles that operate at a much lower speed than motorcycles, even adding a different oil than the one that remains in the crankcase. it can cause both oils to degrade to each other losing their lubrication function.

So make sure that the oil you are going to use corresponds to the type of motorcycle.

Buy motorcycle oil with the optimal SAE rating

We have just talked about the need to use the type of oil that corresponds to your motorcycle, but we must not forget the obligation to respect the indices and qualities of motor oils. When a manufacturer asks for an SAE grade, it must be respected. By the way, SAE is the acronym for Society of Automotive Engineers or its equivalent in Spanish, Society of Automotive Engineers, who are in charge of classifying oils according to their viscosity level. Manufacturers know their engines and know the viscosity grades necessary for the proper functioning of moving parts, the pressure of the pump and the thickness of the film that forms the oil depend on that grade.

The SAE can be varied a bit, so normally the user book offers SAE ranges depending on the temperature at which the motorcycle is going to be used. In winter you can choose a lower SAE so that when cold it has a greater ability to climb the cylinder head, but always stay within the marked ranges.

When changing the oil filter

When changing the oil filter, do not tighten it with a wrench. Cartridge oil filters are hand tight (but only this type). For those that are made of paper or grid and are stuck in a hole, you simply loosen the screws that hold the cover, remove the cover, the gasket, the spring or the parts that they carry, put the new one and proceed to assemble everything again, tightening the screws, those yes, with a key. Filters that go into the air (like in cars) are also not tightened with tools. In these cases, the old one is removed first (for that, you may need to use a tool), once outside, use a little of the oil to lubricate the rubber O-ring on the base and tighten it by hand. If you do it with a wrench, you can break the thread with the consequent oil leakage and if you don't realize it,

Be careful with the threads

Motorcycle crankcases are usually made of aluminum alloy to reduce weight, and the aluminum is not excessively hard. On the other hand, the screws, nuts, plugs that you are manipulating are made of steel, steel and aluminum do not get along very well and if you tighten them too much, you can damage the threads. You must be very careful with this, because if you damage a thread on the engine block it can become a serious fault, so much so that the engine would have to be completely disassembled and the hole filled with solder to re-manufacture a thread.

Take the used oil to a clean point

It is absolutely essential to take the used oil to a clean point in a closed container. If you also carry the containers you have used and the dirty cloths, much better. It is absolutely forbidden to pour them into a drain or anywhere in an uncontrolled manner.

How far to fill with motorcycle oil

We will always fill up to the maximum level marked by the crankcase, the porthole or the mark on the dipstick. You cannot pass that brand under any circumstances. Doing so would flood the engine with oil, increasing pressure and forcing the oil to invade areas it shouldn't.

Do not start the engine to drain the oil well

Although logic may indicate that starting the engine to use the oil pump to drain the entire circuit, it is actually not a good idea. In an engine with few kilometers, if we did it for a few seconds, nothing should happen, but it is not good for the pump to run out of oil, nor for some critical parts to work without lubricating that would wear them out.

What is a good idea is to warm up the engine for a few minutes before removing the oil , this way the oil will flow better and it will be easier to remove.

Change the oil in the periods indicated by the manufacturer

It is not advisable to continue using the oil after the optimal time of use. Each manufacturer indicates what that optimal moment is. Today manufacturers work to space maintenance as much as possible and give the feeling that owning one of their vehicles will not cost you much in maintenance, that is the reason that the changes are already at the limit. It is not a problem to exceed 100 or 200 kilometers from the moment of change, but it is not advisable to do so.

It also does not matter if you do a few kilometers, the oil degrades being in the crankcase even if you do not use it. The oil must be changed every year. That is why at Pont Grup we include an annual oil change in our policiesin collaboration with Tim Yaya. There are engines that need a few kilometers for the oil to be well distributed throughout the circuit, once this has happened, you can see that the level has dropped and you must correct that unevenness, it may even happen that the level is above the indicator, so you will also have to correct it.

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