Thinking of buying a second-hand motorcycle? Discover 5 basic and essential points for a sure success when acquiring your used motorcycle.
There are many people who, due to not having a too high budget, choose to buy a second-hand motorcycle . Undoubtedly, it is shown as the best solution to be able to get the motorcycle you are looking for, without having to make a higher outlay than your possibilities allow.
In fact, the sales figures for second-hand motorcycles in our country are quite high. And the second-hand market allows you to buy a motorcycle at a much cheaper price, but it also offers you the opportunity to get that motorcycle of your dreams, which is no longer manufactured and is discontinued.
There is no doubt that buying a used motorcycle is shown as a very good option , but from Pont Grup, as specialists in motorcycle insurance , we have seen how many people, when getting a motorcycle in the second-hand market , they have found that they were in very bad condition, had to make a significant outlay on repairs, which on occasions has even exceeded the price of the motorcycle.
For this reason, through this post, we are going to tell you what essential basic points you should check if or if and, check that they are in perfect condition, before buying your second-hand motorcycle . Pay attention and take note.
Tips for buying second-hand second-hand motorcycle
Pay attention to the kilometers
It would not be the first case in which they tell you that a motorcycle has "x" kilometers, when it has actually traveled many more. So that this does not happen, it is best to take the second-hand motorcycle that you want to buy to a trustworthy workshop, so that they can confirm the number of kilometers.
Even so, there are different signs that can give you an idea of the number of kilometers traveled. Look at the grips, pedals and footrests, which are the ones that best reflect the number of kilometers of the motorcycle.
If they are very worn, it means that the motorcycle has many kilometers and has been used a lot, while if they are like new, it could be that it has hardly been used, but also that it has been renewed as a result of a fall.
Check the engine
That the engine is in good condition is essential for the experience with your purchased second-hand motorcycle to be positive. Although checking its condition is really complicated, there are different aspects that show that the engine is in good condition, or that, on the contrary, it leaves much to be desired.
If the engine is OK, you should have no problem starting from cold. Therefore, if when they go to show you the motorcycle, you see that it is already on, be suspicious, and ask to visit it again another day.
Regarding the exhaust pipe, check that it does not spill excessive amounts of water or oil, and that the smoke is transparent as far as possible. Otherwise, the reality will be that the engine does not look excessively good and therefore buying the motorcycle second hand will not be a good idea.
The chassis of the motorcycle, as well as the rest of its components, play an almost as important role as that of the engine, and the good thing is that it is easy to check the state in which they are.
Look especially at the welds and the paint on the motorcycle, and check that they are factory-made and have not been touched up. Otherwise, it could be an obvious sign that the motorcycle has suffered some kind of accident.
You will also have to pay attention to the tires. If they are excessively worn, you can check it with the naked eye, and in that case, it would be advisable that you negotiate a price for the change with him.
As for the suspension of the motorcycle, we recommend that you compress and release them several times. If you are able to keep the bike on top, with a slight stroke, it means that it is in good shape.
In the event that the motorcycle suffers a breakdown in the motorcycle chassis or in any of its components, it can be repaired without any problem, but it would be advisable to get a discount, or request that before the sale of the second-hand motorcycle, it be solved.
Second-hand motorcycle transmission
That the chain, the belt and the cardan of the motorcycle are in good condition is essential for the correct operation of the motorcycle and therefore the purchase of your second-hand motorcycle . But really, the transmission goes beyond these three elements, since you also have to include the clutch, the gearbox and the final transmission.
The first thing you will have to do is check the state of the clutch, and for this you will have to check the lever itself. We recommend that you even take it for a spin to ensure that it works properly.
To check the chain, look at the tensioners, and check that they are in an intermediate position, while the sprockets should be straight and with parallel ends. If the tensioners are at the end, it means that the transmission kit is excessively worn, while if the teeth are sharp, it means that the crown is defective.
Before buying the second-hand motorcycle ...
Finally, after checking the condition of your motorcycle, try it out and take it for a ride , since there is nothing better than driving it yourself to see what sensations it offers you. The problem is that this can be complicated, especially if you are going to buy a second-hand motorcycle from a second-hand dealer, since it is common for motorcycles not to have insurance, which is a truly risky risk.